Massage Therapy

Below you will find our current massage offerings with durations of 60, 90 and 120 minutes

Calma Swedish

60 min $105 | 90 min $165 | 120 min $215

Swedish technique is a light to medium massage to relax the entire body and improve circulation. This relaxing massage therapy helps remove the stress of the day gently.

Deep Tissue

60 min $115 | 90 min $175 | 120 min $225

A therapeutic session utilizing firmer techniques to access deeper muscle layers, relieving muscle tension and soreness.


60 min $125 | 90 min $185 | 120 min $235

A safe way to relieve stress, muscle tightness and joint discomfort during pregnancy. (Only offered during second and third trimester)


Hot Stones $15

Heated stones relax muscles & enhance relaxation.

Aromatherapy $10

Aromatherapy is a great way to unwind and relieve tension during your massage. Our essential oils are hand-selected to meet your individual needs, creating a calming and therapeutic atmosphere that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.

Deluxe Upgrades

Himalayan Salt Stones $20

Warm Himalayan salt stones are used in this therapy to improve blood circulation, relax muscles, and aid in detoxification and replenishment of the body with natural minerals.

Cupping Therapy $25

Your therapist uses suction cups to provide a soothing skin massage, while also boosting blood circulation and targeting specific areas of pain.

Scalp Massage $20

Your therapist massages your choice of Rosemary or Moroccan oil into your scalp to increase blood circulation, reduce stress and tension, and even promote hair growth!